the myth of overpopulation: we are not the ones destroying the earth

August 21, 2010 § 1 Comment

what i want to write about:

the connections between reproductive health/justice and the destruction of the environment/landbase.  how our reproductive health is negatively and positively connected to the land that we live on.  and how our act of reproduction, of creating the next generation, is an act of intervention on the destruction of the land.  how i dont buy into the ‘breeder destroying the earth’/overpopulation is the problem scare tactics.  how blaming overpopulation for the destruction of the earth, is blaming the victim for the abuser’s violence.  it is not us, lil mamas, who are destroying the earth with our selfish procreation.  it is colonization and empire.  it is huge multinational corporations who are raping the land and dumping their poisons in our backyards.  it is not our survival that is killing off 35-150  species every day.  it is the powers that be, who have the money, the access, the technology, the greed who are destroying us and all of the other species of life.

our children are born with man made chemicals inside their fragile bodies.

i want to write about the difference between security and freedom.

i want to say that we have no moral right to be secure.  in that security is based on social privilege, on structural violence.  it is about choosing to protect oneself by relying on the systems that destroy others.  thinking that one has a right to use nationality, socio economic class, race, gender, sexuality, and all of the other hierachical systems of violence — in order to be protected and secure.

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