i am me.

Mai’a ‘who should have been named Nikki’ according to the poet, Nikki Giovanni, is a visionary and media maker.  She has lived and worked in the Middle East, southern Mexico and east Africa with refugee and displaced women under the threat of violence, also she has organized and accompanied communities and persons within the US/Canadian urban landscape, engaging in issues including: race, working poor, sex work, prisons, drug addiction, police brutality, and queer rights. Living in Cairo, Egypt, she is a free lance writer, poet, journalist, zinester, photographer, multi-media performer, and outlaw midwife.
She has dedicated her body and life to stopping by any means necessary and possible the violence (whether it be state, military, communitarian, medical, domestic, etc.) that threatens our survival on this earth and to co-creating with you revolutionary, liberatory communities.


Growing up, I wrote, illustrated, and performed stories of far off lands to survive the violence around me.  I weave birth/death/re-birth images, because art is my path of survival, creating beauty in the midst of abuse.  My interactive digital media holds sacred space for our pain while confronting the powers-that-be’s genocide against us.   With photographs, drawings, found materials, writings, and performance art I document my nomadic life, my fight for the people I love and the power of mothers and communities in the face of annihilation.


contact me : maiamedicine at gmail dot com

§ 10 Responses to i am me.

  • Quilin Achat says:

    I found your site through Rebecca Walker’s and I am glad I stumbled and found 🙂 Very sweet and real and totally organic…like someone living in Cairo should be. Your blog post about your daughter wanting attention is reaffirming that I am ready to have kids of my own. Will visit. Take care. Bless

  • Tamika Middleton says:

    Peace! I came across your blog months ago, but was recently referred to your Revolution of the Lilies page by Alexis Gumbs. I am currently working on my thesis, using Black feminist theory to examine how Black women can use home birth as a form of resistance. I have been reading this site (for months actually), and also the outlaw midwives site. I would love to connect with you about my thesis, but also more generally about mothering as a woman of color trying to create a better world. And I’m a doula also :).

    I look forward to connecting.

    Peace and love,
    Tamika Middleton

  • Ziibi Qwa says:

    Hello Mai’a….My name is Ziibi Qwa….Mohawk woman…Canada, and I’m writing to ask your permission to post some of your writings on anti-racism to my Facebook page. In particular…I read your piece, ‘We don’t need another anti-racism 101’, and found it stunning in its clarity; and more to the point…right on point. I’m mindful of the fact that your material belongs to you…and I fully recognize the importance to your, both legally…and personally, of the need to protect your ownership rights. Whch is why I’m writing to ask your permission to post it. I don’t think extrapolating from your writing(s) would do justice to the quality of the analysis seen in your writing. I understand that Facebook is not exactly a hotbed of political discussion…but in my own writings/rants I do try and stir the pot….as well as make (militant/challenging) observations from outside the white self-absorbed perspective.

    I note that you do not provide any links for ‘sharing’ on your pages. If part of the reason for this is that you do not wish to ‘share’ I will respect that. If there are other reasons (technical?) I think I could figure out how to post your writings using ‘cut and paste’, perhaps.

    I look forward to your reply to my request.

    Ziibi Qwa

    • mama says:

      dear ziibi

      please feel free to use it. and i should write a small piece about sharing. i am pretty much open to you using whatever you can. all that i ask is that you attribute it to me or this blog or something. that is just for me cuz i like to see sometimes what happens to these words once i set them free into the world.

      • Ziibi Qwa says:

        Mai’a….thank you much for your reply and permission. I intend to post your column in full….and your other piece on the same issue. Since I consider your permission a gift, full attribution, including your blog, is a given. And please…please…write something about sharing. And more importantly, any technical knowledge you have on how to share your blog with others. As an elder, and a writer (two strikes not in my favor) the gidgets and gadgets of this infernal machine try my patience. It it ain’t got a built in link things get problematic….

        Meegwetch…Ziibi Qwa

      • mama says:

        ha ha ha… thanks for the suggestion. i will definitely put something up about sharing and attribution.
        as for sharing it. im betting if you put the copy and paste the url in most social networking sites. the url becomes a link automatically. like this.


  • allie says:

    Wow, I just found your blog and from your bio, you seem like an amazing person! Keep up the great work, and the great blog. 😀

  • Jess says:

    your blog inspires, heals and reaffirms my life. i appreciate your bold truth. thank you, thank you, thank you.

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