raven’s eye: some more thoughts and questions

February 23, 2009 § 6 Comments

these are all just brainstorming thoughts and suggestions…like, totally open to adjustment, change,  critique, and whatever else…

1. i definitely think that this lil blog dream feeds into speak! and the cyberquilting experiment.  what i envisioned  is like another patch.

2. a blog that posts daily (about 15-21 posts/ week) on women and transpeople of color news, analysis, reflections, announcements about events that are pertinent to us.

3. transpeople and women of color (who, to use andy smiths construction–identifies as of color 24/7/365) are welcome to contribute posts, news, etc.

4. i would be willing to act as editor.  and i would love to have someone else (s) also work with me as editor.  by editor i mean it would be in our responsibility to make sure that we are continually and consistently updating the blog.  someone (s) who would be willing to read blogs daily and cross post and write original content at times.

5. it would be pretty open if you wanted to write for the blog or cross post yourself…just contact one of the editors and we would put you on.


anyone would like to be editor?

anyone would like to be writer?

one commenter said that they and their partner had techie skills, but they didnt leave any contact info…so if dipperwell is reading this…how do i reach you?

what would yall like to see on this blog?  what am i missing?  what suggestions, concerns, brainstorms, ideas do you have?

for me, it is really important that this is a community project and not just some chica (me) farting in the wind…

peace and love y’all…

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