at the center

July 9, 2009 § 1 Comment

at the center of it is love.  that is what i realized about art.  at the center of it is radical love.  how do i give love and receive love from the community in which i live?  in what way can i take care of myself and this community?  and once i realized that.  that art and community building and motherhood have much more in common than they do in difference. that i was able to let go of the perfectionist repressions that i was bringing to the work.

i mean i dont do motherhood only when i know i can do it perfectly.  i do it.  fuck perfection.  not only is perfection not attainable but if it was who would want to be around a perfect person?  or perfect art?  and i hell as dont want to be around a perfect mother.

§ One Response to at the center

  • whatsername says:

    It’s funny. So often we don’t expect perfection from others and even revel in their imperfections. And yet when it comes to ourselves, why is it we so often feel our thoughts, efforts, art, love, isn’t worth showing to others unless it is so?

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